Saturday, March 3, 2007

Forcing your Children to do something they don't like......

Recently...I found out that, lot'sa kid were being "forced" to learn something they unlike. However, they still going for lesson....learn BLINDLY.....

Dear Parents.......PLEASE communicate with you children. To find out whether the kid are really into what they are learning. For example: if you send your kid to piano lesson, Once a week. Your kid ONLY touches the piano when he/she attended the piano lesson. So, Do you think the kid is really interested in learning the piano ? If He/She is really interested,he then will practice the piano at least a 15m everyday.

Sometimes, when the kid is at the center for their lesson, they are showing a SOUR face to the teacher and some even do not want to get down from the car. Some parents prefer the teacher to teach at their home...but, when the teacher has arrived...they hide themselves in the bedroom?! Then the teacher has to wait in the hall like a DUMMY.

I've encountered all those problem i mentioned. I feel , it is so unfair to the teacher. Teacher jobs is to TEACH the kid. However, the teacher SHOULDN'T get blame or hates by the kids as the TEACHER has NO wrong. Unless, the teacher is being too fierce and beaten the kid.

Many of the children has a VERY tight schedule for themselves. Go to school...Tuition...Music lesson...Swimming....heavy homework lot..............they are even busier than adult.

Come on.........................GIVE THEM A BREAK!!!! They need to BREATHE!!!!!!!

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